एंजेल अल्बर्टो जस्टिज वैलेन्ट, पैट्रिक एबेरेची अक्पाका, मोनिका स्मिकल और नोर्मा मैकफारलेन-एंडरसन
This study investigates the ability of antibodies to SpA (a protein produced by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus) to inhibit the growth of the bacteria. Chickens immunised with SpA produced anti -SpA antibodies in their eggs (primarily the yolk). These anti-SpA antibodies were used to feed chicks, which produce antibodies that recognise the original antigen. When these antibodies were purified from their sera and included in the growth medium of the Staphylococcus aureus, there was inhibition of the bacterial growth. This indicates that these antibodies had specifically bound to the cell surface of the bacteria and prevented growth of the bacteria, i.e. the antibodies could protect against bacterial infection. The potential of such antibody in the hyper-immune egg to act as oral therapeutic agents is discussed.