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आयतन 8, मुद्दा 3 (2023)

शोध आलेख

The Impact of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on the Integrity of SARS-CoV-2 Viral Culture Fluids and Clinical Remnant Samples in Antigen or Nucleic Acid Testing

  • Hajirah Noor Hussain, Hali Weeks, Derek Zhou, Divya Joseph, Brooke Lam, Haidong Xu, Chushi Zhang, Keqin Gregg, Wenli Zhou*

शोध आलेख

Risk Factors Related to HIV Infection among TB Patients in Luanda, Angola

  • Cruz S. Sebastiao, Joao Samulengo, Joana Paixao, Euclides Sacomboio, Antonio Mateus, Zinga David, Jocelyne Neto de Vasconcelos, Joana Morais